The Indirect Data Analysis interface is a collection of tools within Mantid for analysing reduced data from indirect geometry spectrometers, such as IRIS and OSIRIS.
The majority of the functions used within this interface can be used with both reduced files (_red.nxs) and workspaces (_red) created using the Indirect Data Reduction interface or using \(S(Q, \omega)\) files (_sqw.nxs) and workspaces (_sqw) created using either the Indirect Data Reduction interface or taken from a bespoke algorithm or auto reduction.
Four of the available tabs are QENS fitting interfaces and share common features and layout. These tabs are documented in Indirect Fitting.
The other two tabs in the interface perform transformations on data and are documented in Elwin and I(Q,t).
These interfaces do not support GroupWorkspaces as input.
There are several buttons on the bottom left of every tab in the interface. These are:
Categories: Interfaces | Indirect